How to get Paid by prospect ? Increase Conversion Rate exponentially

Mind it!! There are thousands of people are searching you or waiting for you to pay you however, you are not visible & Credible enough to be on top of their mind.
Prospect wants you to be rich or wealthy.. you do not have capabilities to influence them for making their buying decision in your favor.
You have to be influencer to influence their buying decision. It need deep & detailed understanding about your product & services, your competitors offerings, prospect's mindset & their choices etc.. If you are okey with their parameters, you can easily influence their decision in your favor.
Integrated Efforts - How to combine there 9 points in to one formula ??? Register & Join workshop to uncover this formula
1) Market Segmentation
2) Reaching out to prospects ( Get Over booked)
3) Become Authority
4) Temperature check Methods
5) Follow up - Followup script & sop ( Mail & Call)
6) Engagement
7) Get Trained / Training to Team
8) Industry Case studies
9) Review meeting of 10 min - By using only CRM